On my own fu*$×ng feet
My bed no longer feels like a bed
Its just a matress on legs
With pillows, a blanket and sheet
Where i used to wake up next to you
My mornings are no longer mornings
Just memories of your hair and face
Your warm morning taste
My home no longer feels like a home
Just a place for all my stuff
Where i spend my days
That feel like non-days
Since last time you visited
My body lost its meaning
No anticipation, no longing, no sex
No fear of loosing, no vulnerabillity
No breaking up and getting back together
No trying, no comfort, no hope
No sense in routine
My love doesnt feel like love
It moves into dark places
And changes faces
Turning bitter and lonely
Waking up whispering your name
Trying to find your hand
Checkin if youre online
Will you ever return?
My mind doesnt feel like mine
I copy paste the leftovers
Play them on repeat
As im on my couch
where we used to spoon
As youre no longer in my mirror
while im brushing my teeth
As you used to dance in my clothes
To the music in my livingroom
As the empty chair infront of me
Where i used to make you food
And watch you eat
I no longer feel like myself
Since i gave up trying to get you back
Something inside fell asleep
As im walking home at night
I still hear you infront of me
Three steps ahead
When you were upset
I find myself staring into voids
In all these places
In the middle of the street
Where do i go?
What do i do?
Who do i get up for?
Now its just me
On my own fu*$×ng feet